Lago di San Giovanni Incarico Frosinone veduta

San Giovanni Incarico Lake, Frosinone.

The SIN of Valle del Sacco extends for 60 km, from Colleferro to San Giovanni Incarico lake, where the Sacco river flows into the Liri river

Orto quattro strade Anagni

Garden, Quattro Strade (Anagni).

For many years factories have buried a large number of drums sourced from the factory into the grasslands, near the Sacco river. Government prohibited livestock to be bred or to graze within 100 meters from the banks of Sacco

giornale che riporta nessuna sostanza nociva per la salute marangoni inceneritore articolo

In 2009 a large amount of carbon black gas, a pigment produced by the incineration of tyres,  escaped from the Marangoni Spa incinerator. This newspaper article was issued one week later, and says “No substance harmful to health”.


The Sacco Valley has been literally poisoned by industries during the last century. 

Large quantities of pollutants have been poured into the Sacco river which crosses the entire valley; numerous toxic wastes have been buried, and the presence of incinerators still pollutes the air in some areas. 

A particularly harmful molecule, deriving from the production of industrial pesticides, has been accumulating in the bodies of residents for several years, to the point of mobilizing the ISS, which is currently carrying out a program to monitor the health of residents.

After the scandal of 2005, the year in which many dead cows were found on the banks of the river, several remediation operations have been put in place but they are proceeding very slowly.

Still today it is not possible to cultivate along the banks of the river or to consume products from the animals in the area.

Superior Institute of Health’s researches showed a mortality worse than the rest of Lazio, as well as an excess of some serious diseases.

letizia roccasecca marangoni industria polvere nera in casa ritratto

The house of Letizia is located in front of the Marangoni’s factory. The black dust entered the houses nearby. Government prohibited livestock to be bred or to graze, and the prohibition is currently still in force. Studies revealed the presence of large amounts of PBC and dioxin.


Sacco river, Ceccano


Paliano, Frosinone.

In 2005 a great number of cows’ bodies was found on the banks of Rio Mola Santa Maria a tributary of Sacco. They had died after drinking from the river. Traces of cyanide and other heavy metals were found in their bodies. After this event the SIN was instituted


Drinking water quality test carried out on a sample from a dwell in the valley. Test results show values out of range for ph, nitrite/nitrate, sulphate, chloride


Marangoni Silos, Quattro Strade (Anagni).

The incinerator was shut down in 2015, because of some irregularities. Currently the government is talking about its reopening


Ferentino, Frosinone.

During the construction of the A1 highway a lot of houses were demolished and several people were forced to leave their houses. The highway contribuite to the industrialization of the area


Graveyard, Colleferro


A spot check on milk revealed a massive presence of hexachlorocyclohexane, a molecule created in the production of lindane. This substance is ranked by IARC as cancerogenic. 


Domenico used to work in one of the factories in the valley. Studies revealed a strong connection between hexachlorocyclohexane, renal functions and women’s sexual hormones. A large quantity of this molecule was found in his body.


Garden, Anagni.

It is prohibited to cultivate and breeding animals along 100m from the Sacco river. A lot of farmers continue to do so despite the ban. They want to provide samples hoping that further analysis will be carried out in the area


Colle Fagiolara landfill, Paliano.

The landfill was born as a temporary waste depository. Due to some environmental irregularities the landfill was suppose to shut down in 2019. A new permission was given until 2022


City of Space, Colleferro


Luigi Mattei is a former worker at Bpd. He buried drums with toxic substances for years. Those drums were damaged when they were put in the ground. Today all of his coworker died for asbestos related diseases


Ex Snia Bpd gates, Bosco Faito (Ceccano).

The factory was founded in 1912  at Ceccano. In 90s three illegal landfills with toxic waste were discovered. Snia's managers were processed and founded guilty


Le Lame landfill, Frosinone,

The landfill was built in 1958 and didn’t meet the required quality standards. It became a danger for the surrounding environment, and polluted the ground waters where a large amount of heavy metals were found


Mario, Anagni


Countryside, Ferentino


Paliano nature reserve, Paliano.

At the moment Sacco Valley has the highest mortality rate in Lazio region. Some clean-up operation was implement during last years, but the processes are going slow

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